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Downloading content in a loop with Powershell

This is some handy powershell that I used when to downloading the images that i wanted to use in the game.

The images are originally sourced from the public cdn. Rather than hot link assets to thier CDN, I wanted to make a copy of the assets I needed. The CDN has the images keyed on thier Pokeex ID , so i needed a simple script that i could run to incremement the ID in the correct format! make a call to get the file contents and output a local copy.

The script makes use of Do {} until () looping to build the file name (and format it correctly)

We use the Invoke-WebRequest command to download the content, and the -OutFile switch to get our local copy

$a = 1 #starting point
$baseurl = ""
$outfolder = "C:\src\public-asset-vault\public-asset-vault\wwwroute\pokeassets\"

do {
 #format file name
 $filenumber = $a
 if($a -lt 10) {$filenumber = "00" + $a}
 if($a -lt 100 -and $a -ge 10) {$filenumber = "0" + $a}
 $file = "$($filenumber).png"

 #download content
 Invoke-WebRequest $($baseurl + $file) -OutFile $($outfolder + $file)
} until ($a -ge 1011) #do until we have got an image for every pokemen

in this case my out folder is actually the simple web assets folder I created in a previous post so now I just need to create a pull request on that repo, hit update and all these images that we have just downloaded are now going to be hosted on our production site e.g.